Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The End of an Era.

It has not been a good day. The day began at 5:00AM, being wrenched into consciousness by two alarms. Sarah's flight left at 11:10, about 2 hours ago, and tomorrow I'll be joining her in the sky. After a week of aftershocks, I never want to feel the ground shake beneath my feet ever again. the sensation that, when first felt in February, filled me with excitement and fascination, now does nothing but raises my heart-rate in fear.

The bus trip to the airport was a depressing one. I passed by many parts of Tokyo I had yet to see or explore. It reminded me of things I've fell in love with, and grown accustomed to, that will abruptly stop very soon. Before I came here, I had heard of places like the Ghibli Museum, Akihabara, Nakano, and Shinjuku. I held them all in a sort of Dreamlike unreachable place. They perched there without any real convictions of future travel. They where out of mind, flowing in now and then only to fill a gap in my thoughts. And in a few days, that's where they'll be again, on the fringes of possible travel, too far to be considerable. Being here and experiencing these places, I feel a twinge of regret. I feel like I was preparing to part ways with them since I first came here, but my remaining time spent in these locations has been wrenched from me, victims of circumstance. I think of Akihabara, in all it's lights and sounds. It's so close. I can hop on a train and be at the start of a Geeky adventure. But that ends tomorrow. These places go back to being intangible, shackled once more by distance and financial obligation.

I want to also take this time to honor the Fukushima 50. The plant is withering and circling the drain. The possibility of catastrophic meltdown is ever reaching a peak. the only thing standing in the way of total collapse, is a collection of 50 technicians.

50 nameless, faceless technicians who have chosen to stay at the plant and do everything they can to prevent the total meltdown of the nuclear reactors. These men and women have devoted themselves completely to protecting their home, their families, and the millions of people that hang in the balance.

They will most likely not survive.

It is a sentiment that nearly brings me to tears every time I think of it. These people are giving everything they can for strangers, up until the very end. In times like this we can all learn to be stronger people. I'm going to try as hard as I can to embody that same sense of selflessness, that same sense of courage, in my own life.

Much like Akihabara and the places of my dreams, for many Americans the distance from this disaster makes it seem intangible, and somehow detached from their lives. It is a terrible thing, but it remains on the fringes of one's mind, safe behind a barrier of daily life issues.

Tomorrow I'll be on my way home, and within days, I'm sure I will slip this disaster behind that same barrier. But for right now, I cannot allow myself to do that. I can't drift off to Narita, unaffected by the sorrow, and the death, and the selfless bravery of people in the face of utter hopelessness. I ask that everyone reading this keeps those families and technicians in their thoughts. We all have our own problems, and it's easy to float by events that have no direct effect on our lives, but if nothing else,

I ask that you remember what happened here.

~Zachary Urtes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Tsunami and Earthquake.

In light recent events, I have held off on the 2nd and 3rd parts of the Kyoto trip for the time being. for the sake of chronology, however, these filler posts will have to suffice.

I'm a little bit jumpier than usual.

I suppose being on the 8th floor of a business hotel during several Aftershocks can have that effect on someone. I'm keeping my cool, and keeping a level head. (For the time being at least.) Me and Sarah have been lying low for the last two or three days. I haven't experienced a blackout yet, and people tell me that it's because the good people of Tokyo are being conservative enough with the power that it is unnecessary. it speaks volumes about Japan that it's people can rise to the occasion when it comes to unifying through these events. The Tsunami and Earthquake where the worst the world has seen in over 150 years.

And I was less than 300 miles from the carnage.

It's hard to imagine just how incredibly destructive the disaster was. The death-toll has reached 10,000, and Japan is forever changed. I don't know how it can pull itself from the ashes, but I trust that it will find a way. Radiation levels in the plants continue to rise, and from time to time the ground continues to shake, like the restless kicks and twitches of a sleeping child after a tantrum. The Government says that Tokyo is not in danger of contamination, but if it gets worse, than you might be seeing me back home sooner than you thought. I don't want to leave. This country has given me so much growth and perspective. I would hate to abandon it when the going gets tough.

All the semantics aside though, safety comes first, end of story. If things go downhill, I'll jump-ship without a second thought. No need to worry about a sense of "honor" endangering my well being. I am going to stick it out for the time being though, as things are fairly safe here in Tokyo. The biggest things I've noticed is that Convenience stores are stripped bare, and I'd wager about a fourth of most public establishments (I.E. Arcades, stores, restaurants) are closed for the time being. Most convenience stores operate with the lights off to conserve power. From the emails I've received, every TUJ student is accounted for, safe and sound, and uninjured.

I have a lot of real world work ahead of me, like building my resume, portfolio, and applications for internships, so for at least the next week and a half, I'll probably be getting that out of the way. I'm going to stay inside as much as possible, wear a face-mask, and for the most part, hunker down and play it safe. I wouldn't worry too much, as I'm not stranded, nor do I intend to be. Keep me in your thoughts, but not your worries! It's too much energy. Trust me, I'm pretty exhausted right about now. I'll try to keep you all informed, and who knows, maybe I'll even finish the Kyoto trip posts! Anyway, I'm safe, Sarah is safe, and right now the situation is fairly stable. I'd crack a joke at about this point in the post, but I think in light of the thousands of lives lost, I will just say best wishes, and I can't wait to see you all soon.

Filler Post 3

Filler Post 3

Kyoto Trip Part 3

-To be filled in Later-

Kyoto Trip Part 2

--To be filled in Later--

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Western Japan Pt 1: Hiroshima and Miyajima.

This weekend I went on one of the best trips of my entire life.

No I did not eat a pound of hallucinogenic Mushrooms. I went on a trip to west Japan! It was terrific. Up until now all I had was a grasp on Tokyo. This trip has given me a little cross-section of western Japan. I saw loads of things, took hundreds of pictures and dozens of videos. I completely filled my 4 gig memory card. It was the trip of a lifetime. Nothing but non-stop moving, walking, and hopping from city to city. It was an extremely fast-paced trip, seeing as I barely had time to so much as breath before we where somewhere new. But I suppose I'll start at the beginning.

After an ill-advised Alcoholic beverage, I found my way to the bus stop in Tokyo. Ahead of us was an all-night bus. 12 hours to Hiroshima. It was miserable, but thankfully, the seats where pretty sweet. They had their own light shades!

I actually slept fairly well through the whole trip, as most of it is a blur of rest stop hydration and snacks, and sleep. We stumbled out of the bus Thursday morning and took it in. Hiroshima. The surroundings looked pretty much like your normal city. It didn't look all that much different than Tokyo, aside from the charming street cars.

They reminded me of the lightrail back in Baltimore. We took one to a stop near the middle of Hiroshima. We got off, walked around a corner, and there it was, staring us dead in the face.

As if it had ambushed us from behind the street car stop, it came into sobering view. The closest still standing building to the hyper-center of the terrible explosion, the atomic bomb dome, sat somberly on the edge of the memorial Peace Park. We approached it and regrouped. We set off to walk through one of the most powerful museums I've ever visited. This museum was every bit as emotional as the Holocaust museum.

These people, families of men, women, and children, where enjoying their day, when a 15 kiloton explosion changed and ended hundreds of thousands of lives forever. You can talk the “why” until the cows come home. You can say “It was the right thing to do,” or “it was necessary to end the war,” or even “it saved Japanese lives,” I've heard it all.

When your standing in the middle of that park, and viewing the charred remains of lunchboxes and clumps of hair, and the photographs of families burned, uprooted and destroyed by a brutal act of war, none of the Justification bullshit really means anything at all. There is never a “good,” act of war, and there's no such thing as “righteous genocide.” It is true and pure suffering, and of the innocent civilians no less. It wasn't a question of who was in the right and who was in the wrong, it was a simple answer of everyone. Everyone was in the wrong, and this is the proof. It was an incredibly sobering morning.

They had displays of what the hyper-center looked like before the bomb, and after, as well as a panoramic photo of the leveled city. After the Museum we where given a tour of the peace park by various people that where either survivors or lived through the event.

It was incredibly moving, and beautiful. The Abolition of Nuclear Weapons is definitely something I could get behind.

After that it was time for a lunch of Okonomayaki, a staple dish of Hiroshima. Part fried noodle, part seafood, part omelet and all delicious.

We stuffed our faces, and then, after a brief break, made our way back to the rail station where we walked to a ferry in the river. It was a relaxing 40 minute ferry ride to Miyajima, I took a power nap. Being on a boat again felt good. It felt like home. As we finally breached the city limits, and exited the river and entered the bay, an Island much like the scenery from Jurassic Park. It's mountains extended high about and where coated in a thick layer of trees.

From our ferry we could see the Tori in the water. Thankfully, unlike Jurassic Park, the island wasn't full of scaly predators with razor-sharp teeth. No, the inhabitants of Miyajima were a little more... fuzzy.

There where deer ALL OVER THE PLACE. I was so excited. They were very friendly, and would walk right up to you.

I was on a gorgeous Island Paradise, surrounded by wildlife and culture, how could my day possibly get any better?

The Temple of course.

The Shrine at Miyajima was mesmerizing. It was a series of platforms that allowed one to view the distant torii gate from a platform. I got a bunch of great photos.

We stayed at a Ryo-kon and it was excellent.

They brought us all dinner in our rooms, and there was SO MUCH FOOD. They brought out a single tray, which I assumed the four people where sharing. But we ALL got our own tray.

It was delicious. As was breakfast the next morning. After that it was a shuffle to the ferry and then a Shinkansen Ride to Historic Kyoto...

Continued in Part 2.

also there's this.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Ghibli Museum

Alright, it's about high time for a blog post. last weekend, I have to put honestly,

Rocked ASS!

Last Sunday I did what I had fantasized about doing for so many years. I went to the Ghibli Museum. I was bristling with anticipation. Forget about Dora, Blues Clues or The Wiggles, my kids are growing up on the inspirational genius of Hayao Miyazake. For those of you who don't know, Miyazake is responsible for producing some of my favorite films ever. Castle in the Sky, Mononoke Hime, and Howl's Moving Castle to name a few. These films, while animated, are far from the norm of anime canon. They reach a wider audience than I ever thought possible. With their young aspiring protagonists and fun fantastical characters, they appeal to children as young as preschool. Yet when one matures, so do their understanding of the film. Mononoke Hime is a dark and powerful epic, and Nausicaa Valley of the Winds explores the deep struggles between man and that which we view as dangerous or vile. The Villains are as complex as the protagonists, from Lady Aboshi and her benevolent rule over an industrial village, to the villain in Nausicaa doing whats best for her country. They provoke deep thought, and are among the highest echelon of video entertainment. Even if animation isn't really your thing, I STRONGLY urge all who read this to give one of his films a watch. You will not be disappointed.

So saying I like the work of Studio Ghibli would be the understatement of the century Sunday I went to an entire museum devoted to the magic. So how was it? UNBELIEVABLE!

As me and Benji got dropped off the Ghibli Bus I looked over to see a place that looked almost as whimsical as one of the very films it showcased.

It poked out of the foliage, as if it was just on the edge of the forest, clinging to Tokyo, else it might fall into a world all it's own. As we got closer I took a surveying glance to the top of the Museum and took a gasp. There on the roof, silhouetted by the bright blue sky, was a life size mechanical protector from Laputa, the Castle in the Sky.

It stood above the museum, ever vigilant, guarding the wonderful treasures that lie inside.
We took a quick walk around to the front to see our good friend Totoro at a fake Ticket Booth.
We got in line and I pulled our tickets out of my bag. We handed them to the women at the front and went inside. The interior was breathtaking. Most of it was designed by Miyazaki himself, and it showed. It was lively, and full of secret passageways and little corners for the children to play in.

The first room we entered was very exciting. Flashing lights and different archaic methods of animation lined the walls. It was a room dedicated to how animation worked. They had a display that had clay models of many frames of motion that spun very fast, and with the help of a strobe light, made it seem as though the characters where actually moving. After the delightful tour with the animation dioramas, it was time to explore the upstairs. In this room was the heart and soul of what me and Benji wanted. We were baffled by how many drawings, watercolor sketches and background paintings coated the walls. There was concept art from every major Ghibli Film. It was simply jaw dropping. I have pages upon pages of sketches and can't wait to go back in a month. It had so many figurative studies, and reference material. I could have spent all day in those two rooms. Questions flooded my head, and once again the language barrier prevented me from asking them. We then went and saw one of Miyazaki's short films. They are films exclusive to the museum, and they are all magical. Find one online, I dare you. Seriously, it's not possible. They are exclusive to the museum. They added an exhibition for their newest Shortfilm. It included several life-size models of the characters.

It was simply magnificent. After that, just before the sun had set, we made our way to the rooftop garden where my ever vigilant guardian was waiting for us.

And Ethan, as I promised, the gaggle of people waiting to take pictures with the Robot

It was an incredible day and while I couldn't take any photos inside, it is a place of wonder and artistic brilliance that will stay with me for years and years to come. If you ever find yourself in Tokyo, it is simply a must see for anyone who enjoys a sense of childlike awe. But get your tickets 2 weeks or more in advance, I imagine more so for more travel-intensive seasons.

We happened upon a Korean barbecue place and ended the perfect day with a delicious dinner. It was honestly one of the best days of the trip so far. Looking forward to the Shinjuku art museum trip tomorrow. Maybe I'll do a post on that too. Until next time,


Monday, January 24, 2011

It was a Giant Robot sort of day

This Friday I did what is quickly becoming my ritual. Friday night Akihabara. A little Border Break here, a little Tekken 6 there, all is right with the world. Not to mention the Cosplaying arcade attendants.

Before I delve into how awesome the night was, I guess I should talk a little about my nerdself. You see, I have this other side I like to call “Nerd Zach.”

Nerd Zach, meet Blog Audience,

Blog Audience, meet Nerd Zach. (Be nice, he doesn't pick up on social cues)

Nerd Zach likes to geek out, A LOT. Every five seconds he is tearing at me wanting to freak out over some little Kingdom Hearts figure or Evangelion Chopsticks he'd found. He's like a little kid in a candy store. You smack him on the head and tell him to be quiet, but nothing shuts him up. To a certain extent, I sort of refuse to keep him quiet anymore. I go to Akihabara as a way to decompress Nerd Zach so that, throughout the week I can function relatively normally. Nerd Zach has this thing where he likes to add “In Japan,” as often as one adds “in bed” to a fortune cookie.

I'm riding the train, IN JAPAN!

I'm Grocery Shopping, IN JAPAN!

I'm in an arcade, IN JAPAN!

I'm at a noodle shop, IN JAPAN!

Seriously, it never gets old with this guy, I'm hoping that by mid February he'll get over himself and we can just get on with our lives.... IN JAPA- err, sorry... Point is, I'm here, here smack dab in the middle of many of my hobbies and obsessions, I may as well geek it up. It's cathartic and to some extent, necessary. If I suppressed his impulses eventually he'd boil over. I'd wake up one morning with ripped purple pants and Eva T-shirt, Covered in Miyazaki Merchandise, horrible self-insertion fanfictions and Pocky. That's a sight no-one wants to see....

So anyway, I went to Akihabara again. We got there after class and went into an arcade. I was on a quest to find the legendary Gundam POD (Panoramic Optical Display) I always knew that arcades were fun, but that day I got to see the real draw of a Japanese arcade. There are several reasons that arcades haven't died out over here. Back home, we don't have a single arcade machine (Aside from possibly Time Crisis 4 and DDR) that was made after 1995. Racing titles and and the railed Light gun shooters are kind of flashy, but if we popped a home version into our 360 or PS3, we'd laugh at the graphics. They're terrible. Here, games are being released and immediately being made into arcade machines. The graphics are fresh, new, and crisp. Another reason is the competitive nature of gaming. Sure in some places in the states, they have machines that have two control consoles, so you can face off against your friends, but here they do things in a genius way. The game machines are not linked side by side, but back to back, meaning there are two rows of machines, and machines from one row connect to the opposite facing other. Benji was playing a little game of Tekken, when he sees, “A NEW CHALLENGER APPEARS!” He looks around, puzzled. Who could it be? I start snooping around, and dart into the other row. Sitting there, with three of his friends watching, is a young Japanese boy. The fight was close, but Benji won, we cheered, and then he moved on to his next matchup. Suddenly, the kid enters another coin, and challenges Benji to a rematch. This time the kid is no-longer underestimating his Gaijin Competitor. He wins. Benji goes over and through rough body language is able to articulate “You got me you brat!” They laugh, and then I see Ben go right back around, and re-challenge the boy! I'm cheering, his friends are cheering, and suddenly I begin to see what makes arcades so popular. It makes gaming into a spectacle of sorts. After blowing 5 dollars, Benji admits defeat, he and the boy shake hands, and we were on our way. Benji hadn't yet eaten, and I knew of only one place I had to check out. There where many oddities I'd heard about in Akihabara, and among them, the infamous Gundam Cafe.

I didn't take this, sadly my camera died while we where inside, but this is what it looks like It's pretty cool. I ordered some ice cream and a latte. They gave me a Haro Latte!

It was as awesome as it was adorable!

We hung out for a bit, and then went searching. Arcade after arcade was fruitless. With each floor I'd get my hopes up, and then they would be crushed into defeat. We went to one or two more and then Benji called it quits and went home, but I trudged on. I checked one more big arcade to no avail, then upon perusing the streets I saw a small two story arcade on top of a Don Quixhote. I Search the first floor and didn't expect much from the second. As I made my way towards the back, I saw a glint of white. I raced to the end and THE GUNDAM POD was there, in all it's glory. There was a bay of about 8 of them set up. After the enlistment of some help from the arcade manager, I was ready to play.

Gundam POD has a 180 degree screen that totally swallows your field of vision. It was loads of fun. I'm going to play it again next week, and try to figure out why my field of vision was restricted.

My next post will probably be about THE GHIBLI MUSEUM. I'm going there this weekend. Will post pics if I'm allowed to take them. Sayonara readers.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Land of Secrets

Okay okay, I'll do another blog post...

It's been quite a stretch since the last one simply because, well... it's the middle of the week, and nothing has really been happening. Me, Ben, and Max went to this gorgeous Buddhist temple, but sadly, I didn't have my camera. I'll return to it before long and chronicle the event with pictures. I figured I'd take this blog post to discuss life, the universe, and everything, minus the last two. Things are finally starting to level out. I'm finally on Japan time, my classes are going smoothly, and oh yeah...

This city is BALLS expensive. It's literally my only qualm with living here. It has many great things, people, sites, experiences, food, but prices aren't among them. I've spent more money than I'd like to mention and it's only my second week in Tokyo. I've been thrown into what I'd like to call budget bootcamp. It's a game like Starcraft, only if I run out of resources I starve and become a burden to my family. So it's basically live cheap or die trying. Wasn't that a movie? Oh well...

100 Yen shops have been my savior. I can by pasta, Tupperware, towels, measuring cups, and all kinds of things at a price that won't break the bank. Tonight I made a ridiculous amount of fried rice. It's enough for the next couple days at least. It will be good for lunch on the go tomorrow. I may be in a dorm, but being in a strange place, and having no school meal plan, It's as if I have to learn to live on my own all over again. I've begun to perfect the art of making a lot of food, so that the preparation time for other dishes to follow becomes shorter. I'm trying to do things when they need to be done, instead of putting them off. It's very much an exercise in self-discipline. Tomorrow I will clean my room.

While I'm on this subject I'd like to take a minute and talk about the Food Markets. Grocery stores are similar to how they are back home, aside from the fact that they're normally several stories high. They are different in one major way. I have never bought a single food item here that wasn't perfectly fresh and outstanding in quality. From the green vegetables, to the onions, to the mushrooms, to the chicken and scallops, everything I've bought so far has been fresh and delicious. One thing that is affordable here is the seafood. I can get a cut of fresh salmon for under 100 yen. (About a buck) A tray of 6 or 8 fresh Scallops will run me maybe 3-5 dollars. Beef is unusually expensive, as it tops the list in prices of meat over here. Anyway, I'm starting to figure this whole budgeting thing out. I want to leave enough room to by the occasional piece of geek memorabilia (there's this Eva model I've had my eye on) or trips like Fuji-Q or the worlds largest aquarium. Money is my single anxiety here. That and maybe offending people or embarrassing myself. I'm still catching on to many of the customs that are very normal here in Japan. Like Eating while walking is considered rude, also on the train. Eating on the go is not something the Japanese take too kindly to. Another example would be surgical masks. I see them everywhere. Apparently, it's polite to wear one if you are sick, therefore keeping your illness to yourself. I find myself in the awkward state of self awareness. Back home, I wouldn't have given a damn. I think it's because the American social barriers are so ingrained in my head that I don't give them a second thought. Here I find I must be much more mindful of my surroundings. I don't want to be just another ignorant Gaijin. I'm putting forth effort to adapt my lifestyle to respect the people of this wonderful country, and I hope that to some extent, that effort is being sensed and appreciated. Every time I say something in Japanese and receive a knowing smile, it's like a leap of progress. Learning which side of the escalator to stand on and which side to walk on, where to eat and where not to eat, these are all rules that are so common sense to so many, the concept of having to learn them must seem alien to them. It's just something they've always known. It's like I'm in a land of secrets, and everything is written in a code everyone but me understands. It's absolutely positively....



Friday, January 14, 2011

Akihabara A.K.A. NERD MECCA

Yesterday, I went on an adventure. Me and Benji were discussing his previous trip, and how he backpacked through Japan by himself the first time he went. He said he truly loved it. I figured it was about time I gave a small piece of it a try for myself. You see, I really hadn't yet been out somewhere independent of other people. I had always traveled with someone else. Last night I decided to go out on my own and do a little exploring. I figured if I'm exploring by myself, it may as well be in what is quickly becoming my favorite place on earth. The great Akihabara.

The lights and sounds are simply dazzling. It's like the biggest, flashiest nerd convention every day. Shops upon shops lined with Anime memorabilia and video game stores that are 3 stories high fill the streets. There are also the most flashy and insane arcades you will ever see. I haven't been in one yet that wasn't at least 4 stories high. This place is where dreams are made, and where wallets are emptied. I wasted 6 dollars trying to get an eva figurine in a claw machine. (Their just as much of a rip off here as they are back home, trust me.) They don't put a 20,000 yen prize in a 200 yen claw machine without it being a rip off. The place would never make bank. After doing some googling, I've discovered an arcade machine called the "Gundam P.O.D" that is literally you sitting in the cockpit, surrounded by a panoramic screen. IT LOOKS AMAZING! I haven't seen any yet but I VOW to find them. I WILL PILOT YOU GUNDAM! I found this really cool machine called Afterburner Climax.

You strap in, and the machine moves back and forth with the fighter plane. It's crazy fun, and only cost 100 yen. Believe me, that's the minimum price. I didn't find the elusive Gundam P.O.D. but I did find this.
And yes, that sign on his shoulder has LOLcats potential.

I blew about 10 dollars in the arcade and then went exploring. It was late and I was starving. I began snooping into the secondary streets of electric city to try and find some grub. I past a maid cafe or two, and decided to go into this old-fashioned looking noodle shop. They have these restaurants here that are geniously streamlined. I had never seen anything like it, and as I went into the shop, as the Blog's title suggests, I wasn't really sure of what to do. I saw a man in front of me put money into a machine and then hit a button. Then it hit me. There is a vending machine of sorts with their menu on it in buttons.

You pay at the machine and the machine gives you a ticket. you sit down, give your ticket to the host, and wait to be served. It was an opportunity, and I took it. Seeing as I don't have any major food allergies or pesky dietary restrictions, I have the luxury of picking a food at random and letting the chips fall as they may. I picked one that had a picture of a bowl on it. It was too small to make anything else out. They could have brought me live octopus for all I know. I was a passenger in the front seat, and I was simply along for the ride. The host brings me a big bowl with this strange orange and red liquid in it, topped with bean sprouts and some form of meat, probably pork. The noodles were red, and as I delved in, my taste buds where bombarded with red cayenne pepper. This dish was incredibly spicy, and incredibly delicious.

I'm getting a bit hungry now just thinking about it. Akihabara had Games, Electronics, Anime, oh, and did I mention Porn? LOTS of Porn. It baffles me when people link Porn to Sexual Assault. Same as violent media to violent crime. This country is not only the Capital of weird Porn, but also the heartland of Violent Videogames and extremely violent cartoons. The children here are exposed to it, and there's simply no way of avoiding that. Yet we have one of the safest, most crime free cities in the world. Being here simply solidifies my beliefs about the harmlessness of violence in media. Seeing the proof with your own eyes is far superior than numbers in any study.

This city continues to baffle and amaze me. It is by far my favorite city on earth and it will be a sad day when I have to leave. anyway, I'll be back next week, bringing you more tales from the east. Until then,


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hello all, here to bring you another post from the WORLD OF TOMORROW! (i.e. Tokyo) Took a trip to the Ward Office today to handle my alien paperwork. I'm now a registered Alien. Now all I need is glowing fingers and Steven Spielberg and I can phone home. It's funny that they call it Alien, since being a foot taller than most, I feel like one. I feel different and I stick out like a sore thumb.

Oh, and I haven't been to SoftBank to pick up a phone, so I really can't phone home.
WHAT!? a Joke with 2 layers? Look out! Leo Dicaprio's dead wife! A THIRD LAYER? Man, I should charge membership fees. but in all seriousness I do stick out here. People see me and they know I'm not from around here. I don't know how I feel about it. I guess it is what it is. I think I finally beat my Jetlag. I think I am at last on Tokyo time. The thing about travel, the one thing that throws a wrench in the gears, and the only thing that would keep me from it further, is the paperwork. There where times when an incompetent staff member would email me papers due 3 days later. after nearly worrying myself to death, everything was finally behind me! I was on the plane. nothing left to do but wait as Tokyo grew closer and closer. then the flight attendant walks up and hands me.... A soda? A bag of assorted nuts? NO.

More paperwork.

I fill it out begrudgingly and arrive at my destination. I'm incredibly thrilled to be in a new place that's exotic and fresh. But day 2 during orientation we got a little gift. I want you to take a guess what it was. No thoughts? it has to do with work.

It was A LOT more paperwork. FML. now it's all done. I can only hope as I glance behind me in the dark, that history doesn't repeat itself. Class is what it is. I think I'm going to enjoy Art History. And Drawing Workshop. I think those classes will be great. Japanese Elements is going to be a bitch though. Hiragana will be hard to memorize. I'll have to talk about my class scheduling nightmare at a later time. I don't have the energy to Vent. I'll post pics and story from Sunday's day out with Emi, Ben and Alan soon. Time for sleep, I'm exhausted.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sensoji the Magnificent

I keep finding it hard to sit down and Blog. life happens so fast here that it seems like every 1o minutes I have a genuinely new experience. It's hard to believe that in just a few short weeks, this amazing world will seem normal and commonplace. I thought I would step off the Plane and it would hit me like a ton of bricks. "This is it! TOKYO-DESU!" But the reaction has actually been a bit different. Instead of one geek out or realization, it seems to be happening in smaller, stuttered increments. My first convenience store trip, my first time using a Japanese vending machine, my first time swiping my Suica to head to Gotanda Station, these experiences bare with them little bursts of excitement. It's like figuring out a good puzzle. I'm finding absolute joy in the simplest and most mundane of activities. A simple "Sumimasen!" to get someone's attention, or the act of greeting a convenience store clerk and receiving recognition and a smile are hailing achievements. The act of communicating, even through the most simple of terms, "more water please," "Please bring me this," "Good morning," "Thank you," Are like little cracks in the Levi. I feel like the Language barrier is less of a wall and more of a Dam. These simple pieces of genuine human understanding amongst two worlds are the cracks and fissures, bursting with high pressure streams, that eventually lead to the Dam's imminent collapse. I've been all over Tokyo in the past two days, and while I can't possibly cover everything, I will try hard to keep everyone up to date, Starting with Saturday.

When people think of Japan at it's most Stereotypical core, they think of large temples, tori gates, and pegota style architecture. While of course modern Japan looks nothing like this, it's these types of images that helps root one to a place with such a rich and renown history. I got off of the Subway at Asakusa, wondering where exactly we where going. I knew it was a place called Sensoji temple, so I expected a little of what I was just explaining. Hoping for that old Japanese Architecture that is so often replicated in American amusement parks or tourist traps. I walked along the bustling street, and rounded the corner. The first thing I saw was this.

It was Breathtaking. The bright red looked so crisp and beautiful against the cloudless sky. over the course of this blog, I'm going to try as hard as I can not to overuse the word Beautiful. But I fear I will end up using the term more than Stephanie Meyer uses "perfect" to describe Edward's face.
That reminds me, I am SO GLAD to be away from the Twi-Tard craze. No-one here seems to
have ever heard of Twilight. Maybe because they have standards...
Anyway, The gate was huge, and inside the two sides where intricate sculptures. That was a big moment. it was a stark realization. "This is it! THIS is Japan." It was all I could do to stand there with my mouth agape, as hundreds of locals pushed past me to get to the market within. It seems like this trip carries with it random moments of speechlessness. I will be having a conversation and in mid-sentence, I will see something that just takes my breath away. I stepped through the gate and saw the Market at Sensoji.

There are several temples like this all throughout the city. It amazes me that in such a densely populated area, so much space is committed to areas like these. hot-spots of commerce, culture, and beauty. The market within seemed to stretch on forever. It was like looking at an infinite space between two mirrors. I could faintly see the Temple itself at the end, and me and Benji began making our way towards it, all the while taking in the sights and smells of the festival. It's interesting the way the dynamic of temples like this work. There is always a long journey to the Temple. A lot of walking distance between the entrance and the temple itself. It's as if there is a mini Pilgrimage that is made, where the trip there is as rewarding if not more so than the visit to the temple itself.

The Vendors where full of everything you could think of. Masks, toys, noisemakers, and LOTS of food. Me and Benji stopped for some fried Mochi, and I got pumkin flavored. they where delicious. the bean paste inside was subtle but rich and the crispiness was perfect. We then continued on and as we broke free of the Market corridor, a glance to my left rendered me speechless again.

These buildings where elaborate and beautiful. Normally in things like Gothic Cathedrals and elaborate churches, you see tons of intricate sculptures and shapes, all added to decorate the structure. These buildings however occupy space in a much simpler way, and in my opinion MUCH more beautifully. They are only intricate in their structure. Nothing seems tact-on or added, and the perfection of their form seems to speak for itself. It's difficult to find words to express the emotions I was feeling as I walked through that place, but It certainly was a sight that must be experienced.
One final gate, even more elaborate than the last separated me from the Temple. I walked through into the courtyard and saw the structure known as Sensoji Temple.
TA-DAA! Just kidding. This wasn't the temple. this was a smaller building off to the side. it was quaint and lovely, but it was no Sensoji.
I was met with Buddhist Sculptures and several other holy relics. I'm always fascinated by Buddhism as it's one of very few religions that is Atheistic. Buddhists pray to no deity, and they worship no god, they simply live as a once living, physical man had done so. It's beautiful to me that a religion can be so incredibly spiritual and moving, without the need of magic or fairy tales. it makes no claims, challenges no government and requires no blind faith, apart from some harmless superstitions. It is the simple act of following the teachings of an extremely wise man. I find many of the Buddhist philosophies to be incredibly healthy and true.
This is a place to burn incense to pay respects to the dead. You are supposed to waft the smoke to your face and breath it in, as you can see the man in the black and red jacket doing. I was so tall, a gust of wind sent the smoke billowing right into my eyes. So much for wafting.

This was an interesting shot because it illustrates well the general look of Tokyo. There is a constant harmony of old meets new. The two sides don't seem to struggle as much as they just seem to coexist. This dynamic is a stark contrast that I seem to encounter everywhere I go.

There it is. Benji and I walked up the stairs and tossed our coins in and payed our respects, and then wandered to our next destination.
It was an amazing day. We visited another temple that took up even more space for marshlands. It was a beautiful park. We also went to AKIHABARA! My and every nerd's wet dream. Sadly my Camera died, so I will be chronicling my next trip to Nerd Mecca with photos. BY FAR though, the coolest thing I saw all day was this. Are you ready? Are you sure?
Your not ready. I can tell. I can see it in your eyes.
Still skeptical as to your readiness...
Okay. Here you go.

A MONKEY ON MOTHER FUCKING STILTS! What now BEOTCH! My life is complete. See you all next post.