Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hello all, here to bring you another post from the WORLD OF TOMORROW! (i.e. Tokyo) Took a trip to the Ward Office today to handle my alien paperwork. I'm now a registered Alien. Now all I need is glowing fingers and Steven Spielberg and I can phone home. It's funny that they call it Alien, since being a foot taller than most, I feel like one. I feel different and I stick out like a sore thumb.

Oh, and I haven't been to SoftBank to pick up a phone, so I really can't phone home.
WHAT!? a Joke with 2 layers? Look out! Leo Dicaprio's dead wife! A THIRD LAYER? Man, I should charge membership fees. but in all seriousness I do stick out here. People see me and they know I'm not from around here. I don't know how I feel about it. I guess it is what it is. I think I finally beat my Jetlag. I think I am at last on Tokyo time. The thing about travel, the one thing that throws a wrench in the gears, and the only thing that would keep me from it further, is the paperwork. There where times when an incompetent staff member would email me papers due 3 days later. after nearly worrying myself to death, everything was finally behind me! I was on the plane. nothing left to do but wait as Tokyo grew closer and closer. then the flight attendant walks up and hands me.... A soda? A bag of assorted nuts? NO.

More paperwork.

I fill it out begrudgingly and arrive at my destination. I'm incredibly thrilled to be in a new place that's exotic and fresh. But day 2 during orientation we got a little gift. I want you to take a guess what it was. No thoughts? it has to do with work.

It was A LOT more paperwork. FML. now it's all done. I can only hope as I glance behind me in the dark, that history doesn't repeat itself. Class is what it is. I think I'm going to enjoy Art History. And Drawing Workshop. I think those classes will be great. Japanese Elements is going to be a bitch though. Hiragana will be hard to memorize. I'll have to talk about my class scheduling nightmare at a later time. I don't have the energy to Vent. I'll post pics and story from Sunday's day out with Emi, Ben and Alan soon. Time for sleep, I'm exhausted.

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