Friday, January 7, 2011

One small step for Gaijin

Alas readers! I find myself in the land of the Rising Sun! So basically, I'm in Tokyo, and it just might be the best place ever. I think I want to marry this city and consummate our love...

But lets start from the beginning.

It began on a plane. An eternal plane. The longest I'd ever spent sardine packed into a Vehicle, literally chasing the sun and winning. Night? we laughed at night. We traveled up through anchorage and down through Kamchatka to get to Narita Airport in Tokyo. This means we ebbed right on the physical edge of night without ever crossing into the shadow of the Sun. Basically it was day. The Whole Time. It was the longest day of my life. and half of it was on a plane, with children I wanted to drug. Basically, it was unpleasant, long, and uncomfortable. After that we went through Customs, or as a buddy we met on the plane referred to it, "Customized Harassment." Then the Baggage Claim, which I've aptly named the Carousel of Despair. Then we retrieved our Luggage, Exchanged our Currency, and got on the JR line to Tokyo Station.
We arrived at Tokyo Station, flying blind, as of course we didn't have the address of where we were going. We got a bite to eat at a local market. Let me just say, trying to buy food, alone, with dozens of people shouting in a foreign language around you is one of the most Jarring things I've ever done. I pointed to the glass and said "that." it was all I could do, then I fumbled around for the right coins. I couldn't help but feel the women was annoyed with me. but then, I was triumphant.

After about 20 minutes of negotiating with the information center, Benji extracted the Address we needed and the trains we needed to take to get there. Bodys Aching, luggage heavy, we trudged on, hoping beyond hope that someday, we could sleep. We rode a local metro to a designated stop, which was horrible with massive luggage. We got to the first stop and Benji tried to ask a man for help. A Japanese Man. In Tokyo. When that little Gem failed miserably, we decided to do what all Americans in a foreign place do.

"Fuck it, let's grab a Taxi."

We pulled up maybe a little after 6:00 PM, dropped off our stuff, and went to poke around for a convenience store.

WARNING. What I am about to show you might be too Awesome for your eyes, I implore you to look away. you might not be able to handle it.

Yes they are. Those are Gundam Model Kits, IN A FUCKING CONVENIENCE STORE! no Idea why that excites me so much.
This is it. Ontakensan It's quite nice. The remainder of photos where Taken on the trip from the buses to the TUJ campus. So far it's amazing here. People are nice, polite and considerate. Literacy rates are high, Crime rates are VERY low, and the Drinking Age is 20. I am excited to call this place home for a couple of months. Until the next post, I'll see you guys later!

Oh.... and we also got dinner at a Noodle Shop. It was mad tasty.


  1. 13 hours on a plane? bish, you've survived 14+ hours stuffed into a Ford Expedition.

  2. Zach I love the blog. I feel like I'm there with you. Keep writing. Hey Nick, at least I never served you bad Japanese food in that Expedition. Besides, the sight of palm trees is worth a 14 hour drive. Look at all the "fond" memories you have from all those trips to Florida! Ha ha.

  3. Zach -- Uncle Dan and I love reading your blog. But he says to STOP SWEARING. :) Glad to hear you're having a blast, it sounds just like you when you talk!

  4. I'm sorry but the Swearing, while infrequent will never stop! It is simply an impossibility. XD

  5. Hey Zach, LOVE the blog, loved the monkey lol and it sounds like you are all having a blast over there. You make it seem like we are right there with you when you write and just wanted to say that ROCKS! Crazy about how it stayed day time the whole way over there, that would be enough to induce jet lag for me for sure haha Have a great time and keep writing! Oh and Krysten says to remind you that she wants you to bring her home a fan. A real Japanese one! lol No made in China but sent to Japan ones for that kid... hahaha TTYL have fun and thanks...

  6. Zack,I finally found your blog,thanks to your Mom! But I found YOU. YA-HOO! The photos are awesome; I'm so happy you had the chance to go! Have fun and be safe! Love ya!
